Jesus Men: An Introduction & Invitation

You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:1-2
Jesus Men: Powerful Relational Discipleship for Men!
What if I told you that you were being offered an invitation to 8 weeks that will change your life? Eight weeks that launched you on a journey of discovery and growth to help you become who God created and destined you to be? We invite you to go on this journey, and give you the assurance that you will “taste and know” what it is to become fully alive, fully engaged, living out your purpose with joy, faith and confidence, no matter what life throws at you. Our goal is to help you be a man who knows who God says you are, learns to love like Jesus, and who people will say, “that guy has been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13)
However, this kind of living does not happen alone. It happens only in a multigenerational band of brothers! You are man enough! Join us on this journey!
What is required? Nothing, if you want mediocrity. However, if you want a massive boost to your spiritual and emotional well-being and growth, engage in this experiential boot camp. We will provide you with purposeful training to do on your own each day.
When does it start?
The training will be on Sundays 6:30 to 8:30 pm March 26 to May 14th, 2023. We will continue once a month for ongoing support.
Men, ages 12 and up, will gather at the Big House in Laramie. We will also provide Zoom, Live Stream, and we will record the training. You can attend in person, or watch online. In addition, each man will be encouraged to join a small group of 3 men we call a “J3” (Jesus plus three). J3’s will be your “battle buddies” – a powerful connection with friends who will help one another move forward into their true selves and kingdom destiny.
If you are local and have a group of three, then great! If not, let us know and we’ll help get groups connected. If you aren’t local, then think about two other men in your city that you can invite to join you on this journey for eight weeks!”
Please register your interest by creating an account on this site:
With Christ’s Passion,
Tim Johns
I can’t thank you enough for creating this incredible website tool for connecting. You blow my mind. Thank you! Tim
Thanks Tim.
You are being very kind and generous.