Newsletter from Papa Tim

Jesus Men Update March 25, 2023
Dear Jesus Men,
We are very excited to launch our Jesus Men’s Adventure tomorrow, Sunday, March 26, at 6:30 pm Mountain Time. (7:30 pm Central Time).
Zoom Session
For those of you joining us on live Zoom, we recommend you click on the Zoom link below around 6:15 pm (MT) in case of some technical issues. Be sure you have downloaded zoom on your computer before tomorrow evening.
Also, we will be uploading the teaching notes on the Jesus Men’s website for you to print out. The notes are primarily to be used for future study and reference. We will not go through all the content in our live session, so we can focus on relational and experiential encounters with Jesus and connect with each other.
For those of you who will be joining us on Zoom, here is the link:
You can join on Zoom from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. If you have not used Zoom before, please download the app. We encourage you to tap on the above link and test it in advance.
When you join in Zoom, if you move your mouse to the upper right-hand corner, you will see View appear. When you click on this, we suggest you put it on the speaker option.
Discussion Groups
During the session, we will break out into smaller groups for discussion. For those in Laramie, WY, we will do this by tables. For those joining by Zoom, we will use breakout rooms to connect people into smaller groups. We will assign you a breakout room after seeing who is on zoom.
Youtube Channel
If you are not able to join us live on Zoom but would like to watch the presentation on YouTube later, we have created a special, non-public YouTube Channel for this training session:
This channel is only intended for those who have signed up for the training sessions.
Jesus Men Online Courses
Each week, we will have a handout. To access this, log into the Rock Tribe Jesus Men section of the Rock Tribe website, and go to Online Courses. Then go to Jesus Men’s Basecamp Life Training:

Go to that week’s lesson (e.g. Lesson 1) and download your handout.
Jeff Newburn is doing the administration for this event. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with him at or text or call him at 563-210-4040.
You may also contact Jeff through our main site.

With Father’s Love, Affection, and Joy!
Tim Johns
(AKA – Papa Tim)
